Malleoli lateralis

A malleolus is the bony prominence on each side of the human ankle. Each leg is supported by two bones, the tibia on the inner side (medial) of the leg and the . Sinonim: lateral malleolus of fibula, lateral malleolus, Außenknöchel.

Ayak bileğinde vücuttan dışarı doğru olan yumru biçimindeki çıkıntıdır. Behind and beneath the articular surface is a rough depression, the malleolar fossa, which gives attachment to the posterior talofibular ligament. Fascies articularis malleoli medialis.

Bursa subcutanea malleoli lateralis

Fossa Malleoli Lateralis terimi, tıp dilinde kullanılan Latince bir kelimedir. Size kısaca bunun hakkında bilgi verelim. Facies articularis malleoli medialis Facies articularis malleoli . Als Malleolus lateralis bezeichnet man einen auf der Lateralseite befindlichen Knochenvorsprung am distalen Ende der Fibula. Image: facies articularis malleoli lateralis. Apex capitis fibulae – výběžek na hlavici.

Bu yüzün arka kısmında fossa malleoli lateralis denilen bir çukur ve .

Artıculatıo talocruralıs morfometrisinin anatomik olarak normal

Posterior talofibular liga- ment begins at lateral malleolus of Fibula and extends from Fossa malleoli lateralis to Processus posterior. Corpus tali à ortada trochlea tali. Type of entity, Immaterial entity. TA98 Latin preferred term, facies articularis malleoli lateralis. TA98 English equivalent, articular facet. Angulus lateralis, Angulus inferior, Angulus superior. Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example . Meaning of bursa subcutanea malleoli lateralis na, Definition of Word bursa subcutanea malleoli lateralis na in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is . Processus medialis tuberis calcanei, Medial process, Medial process.

Moja mama je polomila kost koja se naziva malleoli lateralis, To je kost kod skocnog zgloba. Lamina medialis processi pterygoideus ossis. Njen lekar je operisao i stavio je neku plocicu i sraf koji je veoma . Fibrozna kapsula obavija ceo zglob.

The most common type of broken ankle is a lateral malleolus fracture. This is a type of fibula fracture that often does not need surgery for .